We’re a professional team thanks to whom we can keep a high qualitative standard. And we’re focused on making your adventure as unique as we can.
Staff Primario
Guglielmo Fragale
Diving president, TRAINER CMAS, NADD, IDC Staff Instructor PADI, EFR, HSA guide and authorized AMP Baia e Gaiola guide, member of the Legambiente Pozzuoli presidency. Patented since 1973 FIAS, than PADI instructor from 1992. He made the sea his life. Enthusiastic popularizer of the underwater natural and historical heritage of their region.
STAFF didattico istruttori
staff organizzativo
staff immersioni tecniche
staff collaborativo
Responsabile marketing e pubblicitario
Aziende, Enti ed associazioni in partenariato, collaborazione e di riferimento
- Lupi Sub Avellino: sede di Avellino, responsabile Gennaro Gavazzi. Corsi sub
- NADD EUROPE, http://www.naddeurope.com/
- Il giardino Dell’orco: agriturismo, Pozzuoli http://www.ilgiardinodellorco.it/
- Salese: ristorante caratteristico in Pozzuoli
- Ò Valjone: taverna marinara in Pozzuoli
- Residence Confalone: b&b, eventi. http://confaloneresidence.it/
- Legambiente Pozzuoli/Quarto Campi Flegrei https://www.facebook.com/groups/241140976093925/?fref=ts
- Associazione archeologica Kyme http://www.gruppoarcheologicokyme.it/
- Lido Giardino Beach Resort & SPA http://Lido Giardino Beach Resort & SPA